Sunday, September 19, 2010

Obama The Kenyan

Everybody knows that the President of the United States is a US citizen.  Those who pretend not to are just being ingenuous or, in the worst case, really don't know much about a lot of things--so their opinionated belief on this very subject should come as no particular surprise.

However behind the silliness of the " Obama Native or Not" debate is a kernel of thought that might merit some serious attention.

Recently Dinesh D'souza (an American citizen born in India) set off an interesting debate.

At its simplest his rhetorical question is: Do Fathers have influence on their Sons?

The answer seems obvious right? And in some sense it is. Fathers most certainly do have an influence on their sons. A fact which the President proudly broadcast in his best-selling book "Dreams From my Father".

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

So here at first glace we have a case of a Father whose influence on his Son was neither negligible or unimportant for the formation and future trajectory of his son's psyche, character, and beliefs. If you accept this line of reasoning then you are compelled to ask yourself a lot of important questions about Obama's paternal background.

Who was this man? What were his beliefs? What was his vision of the world and his ultimate hope for it?  These questions are crucial in understanding Obama's thinking and actions which are neither Republican nor Democrat but Anti-Colonialist African circa 1965. Don't believe it? Then research this article and then follow-up with a book read and come back to me:

Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism

Research, think, and then write...the future of the world is in your hands.


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