Friday, September 17, 2010

Tea Party: Ten Commandments

For the Tea Party: 10 Political Commandments free counters

1)    Government is a necessary evil.

2)    Government servants are not smarter or better or wiser than the average citizen, but they are often dangerously ambitious and blindingly enamored of themselves

3)    Charisma in leaders is nice, but competence, common sense, and character tempered by a wide range of life experience are better, much better

4)    Love, kindness, respect, industriousness, and wisdom cannot be produced by Government but can be, within strict bounds, carefully encouraged by it

5)    The country that is least taxed grows most freely and prospers in the long run

6)    Friends, family, and civic associations should be encouraged to take the place of government institutions whenever possible

7)    Evil, bad luck, and unfairness cannot be eradicated by Government—they inevitably just change their methods and their objects

8)    The Cult of Education must be, in general, replaced by a practical, market oriented apprenticeship approach: Plato is nice, Pascal (the computer program) is better

9)    The nature of the family, of the relations between men and women, and the proper nurturing of children should be left to those who engage and commit themselves to these relations, with a minimum of legislative engineering and government oversight

10)  Patriotism is a natural expression of an individual’s love and pride for the people, places, and memories rooted within a life lived in association with others and the collectively negotiated decisions that guide them all together towards an ever uncertain future

Written by Lobots10

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